Monday, January 28, 2008

Brotherly Love!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

My favorite drink! This is my morning coffee.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Rug

I bought this new kitchen rug and I found my sweet Maggie taking a nap on it.

Another Project

We have a new toy! The boys both have science projects due in February. After doing some research, they both decided on doing their projects on blood pressure and video games. Apparently when you play video games your heart rate goes up, not your blood pressure. So, I had to go buy the blood pressure machine. We had so much fun taking our pressure.


This is my son Chase's cat, Oreo. He is the best cat. He is so fat and cool. He decided he was going to chase a bird up a tree. Then he thought, hmmm how am I going to get down. Oreo loves the outdoors. When we got him as a kitten, we lived in the country. We moved to the city this summer and mad him a house cat. He acts like a dog. He goes out for a little bit of fresh air then waits at the door to come back in.


This is our son Chase working on his school woodworking project. He was able to bring it home and do some things to it.


This is our crazy cat Target. He really is a sweet cat but he is crazy. He has target on each side of his body. That's how Jason came up with his name.


I love to read. The only time I get to is when I go to bed. Unfortunately when I turned 40 my eyesight started playing games with me so I have to wear my glasses at times. I try to hold out but the glasses win alot of times.

My Mama

My mama in her chair at our home reading her book! She loves this chair. We wanted to get rid of it, but it has now been designated the "Mama Jo" chair. I set it up in the corner with a lamp so she could sit and read.

Everyone needs a BFF!!!!!

This is my BFF Shanon!

These are my blocks. I love them. I can create a saying for the month.


I am getting a late start doing this. I have been taking my pictures but I needed to get my blog set up. Got that done so now I have 13 days of pics to post so here I go!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Here is my lo. I couldn't figure out that button. So it doesn't look right. But I gave it a shot. This is my first attempt at digi. I'm not so hot at it. It took me FOREVER to do this. I'm one of those I have to have someone show me how to do it. I can't figure out how to get this in the gallery either. Boy I'm lost.....
What was your first...
1. concert?
All in one concert: Randy Travis, The Judd's and Alabama. It was so good!
2. car?
A white toyota celica GT
3. job?
Over The Rainbow - Gift Shop
4. scrapbook layout about?
Our wedding
5. grade teacher's name?
Mrs. Lo
6. pet?
a poodle named Giget
7. vacation as an adult?
St. Kitts
8. boyfriend's name?
Terry Bagby
9. living arrangement after moving out of your parents' home?
Lived in an apartment
10. scrapbook message board to be a member on?

Thursday, January 10, 2008


My word for 2008 is "Organization". I was not born with the gift of organization. It is something I have to work at very hard. I believe if you have organization in your life and in your home there is some kind of peace. I have been working on a new thing since January 1. I get up and get myself ready for the day, get the boys to school and come straight back home. I immediately make sure all beds are made, rooms are picked up, laundry started, empty dishwasher, figure out dinner. I try to be done with this by 9:30 am. Then I run whatever errands I need to run and I have the rest of the afternoon. So far it is working good. I feel more at ease and happier that my house is clean. In the evenings, I get lunches made for the next day so that is one less stress I don't have to deal with in the mornings. I make sure my dishes are all in the dishwasher, sink clean and start the dishwasher! Now my next step is to get back to the gym. When the Christmas vacation started, I just couldn't find the time to get there with all the craziness of the holidays. I have one room left to unpack and that is our office/craft room. I have been shredding and cleaning out. It feels so good. We just moved my mom in July out of the home I grew up in. I couldn't believe the amount of stuff my mom had consumed in 48 years. Some things were cool she kept but there was a ton of junk. After going through that, I decided I was going to not have junk in my home that my kids would sometime have to trash. I will not ever put anything in our attic. If it needs to go in the attic, we don't need it. I reorganized my Christmas stuff so it fits in the garage on shelves. So much more to do. So wish me luck that by the end of 2008, I have my entire house all organized!

Monday, January 7, 2008

1. Will you be looking for a new job? Not anytime soon
2. What will you do different in '08? Be organized
3. New Year's Resolution(s)? To get organized in 2008
4. Any trips planned? To see the inlaws in Georgia for our summer vacation
5. Wedding plans? nope
6. Baby plans? NO
7. Major thing on your calendar? 15 year anniversary in July
8. What can't you wait for? For my sister to come home from Enlgand
9. What would you like to see happen different?
10. What about yourself will you be changing? losing my tummy fat
11. What happened in '07 that you didn’t think would ever happen? my bff wanting a divorce
12. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? yep
13. Will you dress differently in '08 than you did in '07? If I get my tummy fat gone I'll get cuter shirts!
14. Will you better your relationship with your family? Yes!
15. Will you do volunteer work? At my kids school
16. Do you expect '08 to be a good year for you? Yes I do
17. How much did you change from this time last year til now? I put on a few more pounds
18. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? yes and hope to make some new ones
19. Major lifestyle changes? Yes, we moved in July and will move in July 09, when my sister comes back from England.
20. Will you be moving? In 2009
21. What will you make sure doesn't happen in '08 that happened in '07? move

Friday, January 4, 2008

2008 A New Year! New resolutions, new everything! I joined a site called scrapfreak this past year. The ladies on this site have really inspired me to focus on several things. I want to learn more about photography and scrap more. With that, I have to get my area all set up. Lots of work to do. There are so many new things out there from when I first starting scrapping. I'm so excited to get my stuff organized and get to work.