Thursday, March 13, 2008

I started a part time job 2 weeks ago. It's only 2 days a week, but it's going to be some good play money. Now I just have to figure out how to get my chores back in my schedule. On the days I work, I feel like doing nothing when I get home. Not only that, I feel like a big fat ball. Being in my 40's has done nothing for my figure. I have developed this nice roundness around my center and I just don't like it. I've walked 4 days this week and I'm pretty proud of myself getting out there again. I kinda fell off the wagon with my working out and now I'm trying to get back on it. I really want to get to my goal weight by my birthday in May. I hope I can get there. If not, I guess I might as well face it that my thinner days are over. I'm starting a challenge next Monday. Not sure what I'm going to give up. I'm thinking of all sweets and fries. I already gave up chocolate, so therefore I haven't been eating to many other sweets. I do have my one soda in the morning. I do not drink coffee so I have to have some sort of pick me up to get the cobwebs out of my head in the mornings. The boys start their spring break Friday. I can't wait. It will be so nice to be off schedule for a week. Yea!


Carla said...

Oh dont have to tell me what its like to hit 40 and find things slowly loosing shape. Im not much of an good for you on the walking part. I just dont have energy for that stuff working full time. Good luck on watching what you eat!

Cherie said...

:hug: You look great! So hush!