Monday, March 31, 2008

The England Visit

My sister and her family were here this past week from England. Oh my gosh I missed them so much. They have been gone for 7 months. It seems like forever. We had such a great time. My sister and her husband worked during the week. My nieces hung with me during the day. We did lots of shopping. They hung with their friends at night and so needed those visits with them. They left yesterday. :( The picture is of my family, my sisters family and mom and dad. Our brother and his family weren't able to travel out here. He had a knee replacement and isn't able to travel yet. We missed them.


SuzyQ said...

How fun! What a great time! Hope you had a blast visiting!

Lisa said...

What a nice visit that must've have been. It's always sad when it's over, though, right? Great picture.