Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Friday

Oh how I love this day. I always have. I'm glad I do not work on Fridays. I think EVERYONE should have Friday's off.

I have to be up at 5:30am tomorrow. Our son has to be at the baseball field by 6:45 for a tournament. ugghh! I need to go to bed but I don't think I can really go to sleep. So what am I doing. I'm sitting here checking out Scrapfreak and doing laundry.

The weather here has been wonderful. I love the fall weather. I bet it will be chilly in the morning for the tourny.

I hope everyone has a super Saturday. are in my thoughts and prayers daily!

Until tomorrow......Mel

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Gotta love em. Attitude, very loud music, hanging with friends as much as you can squeeze in, eating lots of food, all kinds of sports, friends hanging out at the house, listening to them talk about girls, and my favorite part, the hug I get every night!
Today I'm back at work. Although I love the money, I can sit here and think of a million things I could be doing. Lunch with a friend, getting my nails done, working on those Christmas gifts, my dog wouldn't be lonely, laundry. I could go on and on. Today we have no after school activities planned. Yeah. We can come home and relax. I'm sure there will be homework but nothing extra to add is wonderful.

Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

No Schedule

Well the boys have been out of school for the last two days. It was a nice 4 day weekend. Not looking forward to the schedule again. It's so nice just lounging and getting up when you want to. Chase does however have a football game tonight and Jason has practice.

It is such a beautiful day today. A bit on the windy side but that's okay. It's supposed to be down in the 50's tonight. Guess I'll be bringing a jacket and maybe a blanket to the game. I do not like to be cold.

I need to clean my scrap area. I'm making Christmas gifts and it is in such a mess. I'm giving myself a break until 2:30 then its off to clean.

I hope all my friends are having a wonderful day.....